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VBA, VB.NET For Creo

Creo Feature Type 시각화 하기

by ToolBOX01 2023. 2. 10.

Creo Part의 Feature 타입을 엑셀 차트 기능을 이용하여, 시각화 합니다. 
Creo Part 모델에서 Parameter 값을 이용 하여 시각화 할 수 있습니다. 

Creo Model Excel


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여러개의 sub (코드)를 이용합니다. 사용자 화면은 아래와 같습니다

[ 사용자 화면 구성 ]


1. Creo Session 연결 Code 입니다. 전역 변수를 정의 합니다

Option Explicit
Public asynconn As New pfcls.CCpfcAsyncConnection
Public conn As pfcls.IpfcAsyncConnection
Public oSession As pfcls.IpfcBaseSession
Public oModel As IpfcModel
Public oSolid As IpfcSolid
Public Sub Creo_Connect()

    Application.EnableEvents = False
    '// Creo Connect Check
    On Error Resume Next
    Set conn = asynconn.Connect("", "", ".", 5)
        If conn Is Nothing Then
           MsgBox "Error occurred while starting new Creo Parametric Session!", vbInformation, "www.idt21c.com"
           Exit Sub
        End If
    Set oSession = conn.Session
    '// Current Model
    Set oModel = oSession.CurrentModel
    Set oSolid = oModel

End Sub


2. Main Code 

Part 파일이 가지고 있는 Feature 모두 Range "Z10" 아래에 표시 합니다. 프로그램이 자동으로 삭제 합니다

Sub FeatureTypeCount()

    Call Creo_Connect
    Cells(8, "d") = oModel.Filename
    '// Creo Parameter variable
    Dim oModelowner As IpfcModelItemOwner
    Set oModelowner = oModel
    Dim oModelitems As IpfcModelItems
    Set oModelitems = oModelowner.ListItems(EpfcModelItemType.EpfcITEM_FEATURE)
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim oModelItem As IpfcModelItem
    Dim oFeature As IpfcFeature
    For i = 0 To oModelitems.Count - 1
        Set oFeature = oModelitems.Item(i)

        Cells(i + 10, "Z") = oFeature.FeatTypeName

    Next i
    Call Duplicate_01
    Call AddChart
    Call Jpg_export
    MsgBox "Feature Analysis Is Complete !", vbInformation, "www.idt21c.com"
End Sub


3. 중복 파일 제거 및 수량 카운드

Sub Duplicate_01()
    Dim rng As Range, C As Range
    Dim dc As New Collection
    Set rng = Range("Z10", Cells(Rows.Count, "Z").End(xlUp))
    Dim i As Integer
On Error Resume Next

    For Each C In rng
        If Len(C) Then
            dc.Add Trim(C), CStr(Trim(C))
        End If

    For i = 1 To dc.Count
        Cells(i + 9, "B") = dc(i) '// Feature Name
    Next i

    For i = 1 To dc.Count
        Cells(i + 9, "C") = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rng, dc(i)) '//  Duplicate Feature Count
        Cells(i + 9, "A") = i
    Next i

End Sub


4. Chart 만들기

Sub AddChart()

    '// chart delete
     If ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Count > 0 Then
     End If
     Dim rng As Range
     Dim rn As Integer
     Set rng = Worksheets("File InfoII").Range("C10", Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp))
     rn = rng.Rows.Count
     Dim cht As ChartObject

     '// data range for the chart
     Set rng = ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(10, "B"), Cells(rn + 9, "C"))

     '// Create a chart
     Set cht = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(Left:=Cells(2, "F").Left, Width:=450, Top:=Cells(2, "F").Top, Height:=250)
     With cht
        .Chart.SetSourceData Source:=rng
        .Chart.ChartType = xlPie
        .Chart.HasTitle = True  '// Ensure chart has a title
        .Chart.ChartTitle.Text = "Feature Type" '// 'Change chart's title
        .Name = "Type01"
     End With

End Sub


5. 이미지 만들기

Sub Jpg_export()

    '// Back Ground Color White
    Dim BackgroundWhitemacro As String
    BackgroundWhitemacro = "al_screen_cap @MAPKEY_LABEL스크린 샷을 찍기위해서 흰배경으로 변경;\mapkey(continued) ~ Select `main_dlg_cur` `appl_casc`;~ Close `main_dlg_cur` `appl_casc`;\mapkey(continued) ~ Command `ProCmdRibbonOptionsDlg` ;\mapkey(continued) ~ Select `ribbon_options_dialog` `PageSwitcherPageList` 1 `colors_layouts`;\mapkey(continued) ~ Open `ribbon_options_dialog` `colors_layouts.Color_scheme_optMenu`;\mapkey(continued) ~ Close `ribbon_options_dialog` `colors_layouts.Color_scheme_optMenu`;\mapkey(continued) ~ Select `ribbon_options_dialog` `colors_layouts.Color_scheme_optMenu` 1 `2`;\mapkey(continued) ~ Activate `ribbon_options_dialog` `OkPshBtn`;\mapkey(continued) ~ Command `ProCmdViewSpinCntr`  0;nCntr`  0;"
    oSession.RunMacro (BackgroundWhitemacro)
    '// config.pro
    Call oSession.SetConfigOption("display_planes", "no")
    Call oSession.SetConfigOption("display_axes", "no")
    Call oSession.SetConfigOption("display_coord_sys", "no")
    Call oSession.SetConfigOption("display_points", "no")
    Call oSession.SetConfigOption("display_annotations", "no")
    Call oSession.SetConfigOption("display", "shadewithedges")
    '// sheet scale
    ActiveWindow.Zoom = 100
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    '// jpg 변환 옵션변수 정의
    Dim rasterHeight As Double: rasterHeight = 22
    Dim rasterWidth As Double: rasterWidth = 17
    Dim JPEGImageExportCreate As New CCpfcJPEGImageExportInstructions
    Dim oJPEGExport As IpfcJPEGImageExportInstructions
    Set oJPEGExport = JPEGImageExportCreate.Create(rasterHeight, rasterWidth)
    Dim instructions As IpfcRasterImageExportInstructions
    Set instructions = oJPEGExport
    instructions.DotsPerInch = EpfcDotsPerInch.EpfcRASTERDPI_100
    instructions.ImageDepth = EpfcRasterDepth.EpfcRASTERDEPTH_8
    Dim oViewOwner As IpfcViewOwner
    Set oViewOwner = oSession.CurrentModel
    Dim oIpfcView As IpfcView
    Set oIpfcView = oViewOwner.RetrieveView("ISOVIEW")
    If oIpfcView Is Nothing Then
            Set oIpfcView = oViewOwner.RetrieveView("default")
    End If
    Dim oJpgfilename As String: oJpgfilename = oModel.FullName & ".JPG"
    '// jpg image location
    Dim oWorkfolder As String
    oWorkfolder = Worksheets("data").Cells(17, "B")
    oSession.ChangeDirectory (oWorkfolder)
    '// jpg image 변환 실행
    Dim oWindow As IpfcWindow
    Set oWindow = oSession.CurrentWindow
    Call oWindow.ExportRasterImage(oJpgfilename, instructions)

    oSession.ChangeDirectory (Worksheets("File Info").Cells(4, "E"))
    '// jpg image Insert
     Dim str2 As String, ret As String
     Dim Pic As Picture
     Dim Imagecell As Range
     str2 = oWorkfolder & "\" & oJpgfilename
     ret = Dir(str2)
     If ret <> "" Then
            Set Pic = Worksheets("File InfoII").Pictures.Insert(str2)
            Set Imagecell = Range("A4:B8")
            Range("A4:B8").RowHeight = 18
            With Pic
                .ShapeRange.LockAspectRatio = msoFalse
                .Left = Imagecell.Left + 1
                .Top = Imagecell.Top + 1
                .Width = Imagecell.Width - 4
                .Height = Imagecell.Height - 4
            End With
      End If

End Sub


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