Importing dimensional information from your Creo model into Excel can help you increase the efficiency of your design process and create better designs.
- Provide visual information: Leverage Excel's chart and graph features to visually represent dimensional data and effectively communicate design information.
- Automate data extraction: Automatically extract dimensional information into Excel using Creo API or other tools.
- Bulk Changes: Make design changes efficiently by batch changing dimension values in Excel and then applying them to your Creo model.
- Design Variable Analysis: You can find optimal design conditions by analyzing the changes in model performance according to changes in various design variables (dimensions).
- Sensitivity Analysis: Analyze how sensitive the model's performance is to changes in specific dimensions to identify important design variables.
Option Explicit
Sub ModelDimensionList()
Application.EnableEvents = False
On Error GoTo RunError
Dim asynconn As New pfcls.CCpfcAsyncConnection
Dim conn As pfcls.IpfcAsyncConnection
Dim BaseSession As pfcls.IpfcBaseSession
Dim Model as IpfcModel
Dim Modelowner As IpfcModelItemOwner
Dim modelitems As IpfcModelItems
Dim BaseDimension As IpfcBaseDimension
Dim i As Long
Set conn = asynconn.Connect("", "", ".", 5)
Set BaseSession = conn.session
set Model = BaseSession.CurrentModel
Set Modelowner = Model
Set modelitems = Modelowner.ListItems(EpfcModelItemType.EpfcITEM_DIMENSION)
For i = 0 To modelitems.Count - 1
Set BaseDimension = modelitems(i)
Cells(i + 10, "A") = i + 1
Cells(i + 10, "B") = BaseDimension.Symbol
Cells(i + 10, "C") = BaseDimension.DimValue
Next i
MsgBox "Dimension Quantity:" & modelitems.Count, vbInformation
conn.Disconnect (2)
Set asynconn = Nothing
Set conn = Nothing
Set BaseSession = Nothing
Set Model = Nothing
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Process Failed : Unknown error occurred." + Chr(13) + _
"Error No: " + CStr(Err.Number) + Chr(13) + _
"Error: " + Err.Description, vbCritical, "Error"
If Not conn Is Nothing Then
If conn.IsRunning Then
conn.Disconnect (2)
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Retrieve the dimensions of the model in the following order:
IpfcModel > IpfcModelItemOwner > IpfcModelItems > IpfcBaseDimension
▷ IpfcModelItemOwner
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Your browser has DOM storage disabled. Make sure DOM storage is enabled and try again.
▷ IpfcModelItem :
IpfcModelItems refers to IpfcModelItem.
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Your browser has DOM storage disabled. Make sure DOM storage is enabled and try again.
▷ IpfcBaseDimension :
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Get dimension name and value from Part, Assemble file. The above code can't get dimension from Drawing file. You have to use another way. But it's not difficult.
Dimension names can be changed.
▷ Change Creo Model
Change Creo Model and Get Volume Values (Creo 9.0)
Change the dimensions of a Creo model in Excel.Use the promised dimension name.Get measured volume values automatically calculated in Creo. You can develop various template programs using the code below.▷Main CodeOption ExplicitSub Mode
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