■ Create Function 소개
비어 있는 part, 어셈블 파일을 생성 합니다. Template Drawing을 이용하여 새로운 도면을 새성 합니다. 타 CAD 데이터를 import 합니다.
- IpfcBaseSession.CreateAssembly
- IpfcBaseSession.CreateDrawingFromTemplate
- IpfcBaseSession.CreateModelWindow
- IpfcBaseSession.CreatePart
▷ IpfcBaseSession.CreateAssembly
[Function] CreateAssembly (Name as String) as IpfcAssembly
사용 예)
Dim Window As IpfcWindow
Dim Assembly As IpfcAssembly
'//Session에 새로운 파일 생성
Set Assembly = session.CreateAssembly("korea01")
Dim ModelDescriptorCreate As New CCpfcModelDescriptor
Dim ModelDescriptor As IpfcModelDescriptor
'//Session에 생성돤 새로운 파일 Open
Set ModelDescriptor = ModelDescriptorCreate.Create(EpfcMDL_ASSEMBLY, "korea01", Null)
Set model = session.RetrieveModel(ModelDescriptor)
Set Window = session.OpenFile(ModelDescriptor)
▷ IpfcBaseSession.CreateModelWindow
[Function] CreateModelWindow (Mdl as IpfcModel) as IpfcWindow
지정된 모델 (step,iges)에 대한 창을 만들거나 검색합니다. 즉 타 CAD 파일 포맷을 가져오는 코드 입니다.
["Mdl as IpfcModel" 관련 참고 자료] . . .
VBA Excel - ImportNewModel
Hi, I'm working on an Excel VBA tool that imports a lot of pvz files into Creo and saves them as .asm's. Works like a charm when I do this by hand (obviously, these are not real CAD models but facet geometry). If I run the code below, I get a Type Mismatch
["Mdl as IpfcModel" 샘플 코드] . . .
Dim mdl As IpfcModel = session.ImportNewModel("D:\WorkDir\Example\heatSink.step",
▷ IpfcBaseSession.CreateDrawingFromTemplate
Drawing Template 파일을 이용하여 드로잉 파일을 생성 합니다.
[Function] CreateDrawingFromTemplate (Name as String, Template as String, DrawingModel as IpfcModelDescriptor, Options as IpfcDrawingCreateOptions) as IpfcDrawing
Name : The new drawing name.
Template : The template drawing name. This should be located in the search path or the system template directory.
DrawingModel : The name and type of the solid model to use while populating template views.
Options : Sequence of options to use while creating the drawing.
Options 코드
Dim DrawingCreateOptions As IpfcDrawingCreateOptions
Call DrawingCreateOptions.Insert(0, EpfcDrawingCreateOption.EpfcDRAWINGCREATE_DISPLAY_DRAWING)
Call DrawingCreateOptions.Insert(0, EpfcDrawingCreateOption.EpfcDRAWINGCREATE_SHOW_ERROR_DIALOG)

영업 문의 : lionkk@idt21c.com
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