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VBA For Creo

Creo Parametric VB API를 사용하여 PCF 파일을 읽고 열려 있는 활성 드로잉 모델을 인쇄하는 예제 코드 - By PTC

by ToolBOX01 2022. 9. 3.

Excel 매크로용 VBA를 사용하여 PCF 파일을 읽고 열려 있는 활성 도면 모델을 인쇄하는 예제 코드

Creo Parametric에서 Excel용 Creo VBA를 사용하여 드로잉 파일을 인쇄하는 방법

PCF 파일을 읽고 열려 있는 드로잉 파일의 지정된 범위의 드로잉 시트를 인쇄하는 Creo VB API 예제 코드



1. PCF(플롯 구성 파일)를 읽어 드로잉을 인쇄하는 Creo Excel VBA 작업 예제 코드:

Private Function PlotSheetRangeWithPCF(ByRef IBaseSession As pfcls.IpfcBaseSession, ByRef Drawing As IpfcDrawing, ByVal PcfFileName As String, ByVal StartSheet As Integer, ByVal EndSheet As Integer)

        IBaseSession.SetConfigOption("display_planes", "no")
        IBaseSession.SetConfigOption("display_axes", "no")
        IBaseSession.SetConfigOption("datum_point_display", "no")
        IBaseSession.SetConfigOption("display_coord_sys", "no")

        ' Place your company standard plot configuration files (*.pcf) in a directory and 
        ' set it's full path as value to Creo configuration option pro_plot_config_dir.


Sub PrintDrawingWithPCF()
On Error GoTo RunError
     Dim asynconn As New pfcls.CCpfcAsyncConnection
     Dim conn As pfcls.IpfcAsyncConnection
     Dim CreoSession As pfcls.IpfcBaseSession
     Dim CreoCurrentModel As pfcls.IpfcModel

     'Make an asynchronous connection with Creo

     Set conn = asynconn.Connect("", "", ".", 5)
     'Get the current session
    Set CreoSession = conn.session
    'Show the current Working Directory
    MsgBox "This is the current Working Directory: " & vbCrLf & CreoSession.GetCurrentDirectory
    Set CreoCurrentModel = CreoSession.CurrentModel
    'Show the name of the Pro/E Model in a messagebox
    MsgBox "Model name = " & CreoCurrentModel.Filename
    Set oWindow = CreoSession.GetModelWindow(CreoCurrentModel)

    'Activate the new window before printing

    Dim PrinterInstrCreate As CCpfcPrinterInstructions
    Dim PrinterInstr As IpfcPrinterInstructions
    Dim printerPCFOptionsCreate As CCpfcPrinterPCFOptions
    Dim printerPCFOptions As IpfcPrinterPCFOptions
    Dim creoWindow As IpfcWindow

    Set PrinterInstrCreate = New CCpfcPrinterInstructions
    Set PrinterInstr = PrinterInstrCreate.Create
    Set printerPCFOptionsCreate = New CCpfcPrinterPCFOptions
    Set printerPCFOptions = printerPCFOptionsCreate.Create
    Set printerPCFOptions = CreoSession.GetPrintPCFOptions("C:\ptc\creo_stds\postscript.pcf", CreoCurrentModel)
    PrinterInstr.PrinterOption = printerPCFOptions.PrinterOption
    PrinterInstr.ModelOption = printerPCFOptions.ModelOption
    PrinterInstr.PlacementOption = printerPCFOptions.PlacementOption

     'Set SaveToFile = True if a plot file has to be saved to Disk
     PrinterInstr.PrinterOption.SaveToFile = True
     ' Set the output plot file name here
     PrinterInstr.PrinterOption.Filename = CreoCurrentModel.InstanceName

     'Set SendToPrinter = True if the plot should be directed to Printer
     PrinterInstr.PrinterOption.SendToPrinter = True
     'Print command should be set to print to a printer if it is not set in the PCF file
     PrinterInstr.PrinterOption.PrintCommand = "windows_print_manager \\machine_name\Device_Name"

     Set creoWindow = CreoSession.GetModelWindow(CreoCurrentModel)
     PrinterInstr.WindowId = creoWindow.GetId
     CreoCurrentModel.Export CreoCurrentModel.InstanceName, PrinterInstr

     'Disconnect with creo
     conn.Disconnect (2)
     Set asynconn = Nothing
     Set conn = Nothing
     Set session = Nothing
    Set oModel = Nothing


Exit Sub
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        MsgBox "Process Failed : Unknown error occurred." + Chr(13) + _
                "Error No: " + CStr(Err.Number) + Chr(13) + _
                "Error: " + Err.Description, vbCritical, "Error"
        If Not conn Is Nothing Then
            If conn.IsRunning Then
                conn.Disconnect (2)
            End If
        End If
    End I

End Sub


2. PCF(플롯 구성 파일)를 읽어서 지정된 범위의 드로잉 시트  를 인쇄하는 Creo VB API 작업 예제 코드 :


Private Function PlotSheetRangeWithPCF(ByRef IBaseSession As pfcls.IpfcBaseSession, ByRef Drawing As IpfcDrawing, ByVal PcfFileName As String, ByVal StartSheet As Integer, ByVal EndSheet As Integer)

        IBaseSession.SetConfigOption("display_planes", "no")
        IBaseSession.SetConfigOption("display_axes", "no")
        IBaseSession.SetConfigOption("datum_point_display", "no")
        IBaseSession.SetConfigOption("display_coord_sys", "no")

        ' Place your company standard plot configuration files (*.pcf) in a directory and 
        ' set it's full path as value to Creo configuration option pro_plot_config_dir.
        ' Example: pro_plot_config_dir C:\Engineering_Standards\Creo_Standards\Plot_configs\
        ' Creo will find any *.pcf file just by its file name if it exists in one of the below mentioned locations
        '       1. In Current Working Directory
        '       2. In Directory set by configuration option pro_plot_config_dir
        '       2. In <Creo Common Files>\text\plot_config Directory

        Dim pcfOptions As IpfcPrinterPCFOptions
        Dim printerOptions As IpfcPrinterInstructions

        'pfcFileName length should be max 32 chars excluding file extension.
        'If exceeds 32 chars, results in exception xToolkitNotFound / xToolkitStringTooLong
        pcfOptions = IBaseSession.GetPrintPCFOptions(PcfFileName, Drawing)
        printerOptions = (New CCpfcPrinterInstructions).Create()

        printerOptions.ModelOption = pcfOptions.ModelOption
        printerOptions.PlacementOption = pcfOptions.PlacementOption
        printerOptions.PrinterOption = pcfOptions.PrinterOption
        printerOptions.WindowId = IBaseSession.GetModelWindow(Drawing).GetId()

        printerOptions.ModelOption.Sheets = EpfcPrintSheets.EpfcPRINT_SELECTED_SHEETS
        printerOptions.ModelOption.FirstPage = StartSheet
        printerOptions.ModelOption.LastPage = EndSheet

        'Set required output print paper size.
        'Do this only if you want any sheet size to be plot to single paper size.
        Dim printSize As IpfcPrintSize
        printSize = (New CCpfcPrintSize).Create()
        printSize.PaperSize = EpfcPlotPaperSize.EpfcA4SIZEPLOT
        printerOptions.PrinterOption.PaperSize = printSize

        Dim mdl As IpfcModel
        mdl = CType(Drawing, IpfcModel)
        printerOptions.ModelOption.Mdl = mdl
        printerOptions.PrinterOption.FileName = mdl.InstanceName

        Dim ExportInstr As IpfcExportInstructions
        ExportInstr = CType(printerOptions, IpfcExportInstructions)
        mdl.Export(mdl.InstanceName, ExportInstr)

End Function




3. 일반 POSTSCRIPT용  PCF 파일 예 : ( postscript.pcf )


    plotter POSTSCRIPT
    button_name Generic Postscript
    button_help Print to any printer that supports generic postscript format.
    plot_drawing_format YES default
    plot_segmented NO default
    plot_roll_media NO default
    plot_label NO default
    plot_handshake software default
    create_separate_files NO default
    plot_with_panzoom NO default
    rotate_plotting NO default
    allow_file_naming YES
    plot_name NO
    interface_quality 3 default
    plot_destination file default
    pen_table_file table.pnt
    plot_sheets current default
    paper_size A4  default
    paper_outline NO default
    plot_clip NO default
    plot_area NO default
    plot_stroke_text YES